Ramon Egli Dr. sc. nat. |
Institute for Rock Magnetism Newton Horace Winchell School of Earth Sciences |
University of Minnesota |
Telephone: +1 612 625 9985 |
219 Shepard Laboratories | Facisimile: +1 612 625 7502 |
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0128 | e-mail: eglix007@umn.edu |
Publications [1] R. Egli and
F. Heller, High-resolution imaging using a high-Tc
superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID)
magnetometer, Journal
of Geophysical Research, 105, 25
709 - 25 727, 2000.
[2] R. Egli and W.
Lowrie, Anhysteretic
remanent magnetization of fine magnetic particles, Journal
of Geophysical Research, 107 (B10), 2209,
doi 10.1029/2001J B000671, 2002.
[3] R. Egli, Analysis of
the field
dependence of remanent magnetization curves, Journal
of Geophysical
Research, 108 (B2),
2081, doi 10.1029/2002JB002023, 2003.
[4] R. Ravazzi, R. Rini,
M. Breda, E. Martinetto,
G. Muttoni, S. Chiesa, F. Confortini, and R. Egli, The
lacustrine deposits of Fornaci
Ranica (late Early Pleistocene, Italian Pre- Alps): stratigraphy,
palaeoenvironment and geological
evolution, Quaternary International, in press.
[5] R. Egli,
Characterization of individual rock
magnetic components by analysis of remanence curves, 1. Unmixing
sediments, Studia
geophysica et geodaetica, 48,
[6] R. Egli, Characterization
of individual rock
magnetic components by analysis of remanence
curves, 2. Rock
magnetism of individual components, submitted to: Physics
and Chemistry of the Earth, special issue on
magnetism, EGS-AGU-EUG, Nice, 2003.
[7] R. Egli,
Characterization of individual rock
magnetic components by analysis of remanence curves,
3. Biogenic
magnetite and natural processes in lakes, submitted
to: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, special
issue on magnetism, EGS-AGU-EUG, Nice, 2004.
[8] S. Spassov, R.
Egli, F.
Heller, D.K. Nourgaliev and J.A. Hannam,
Discrimination of atmospheric particulate matter
sources with magnetic methods, Geophysical
International, 155, pp. 555-564, 2004.
[9] R. Egli,
Environmental influences on the
magnetic properties of lake sediments,
Diss No. 15090, ETH Zürich,
Switzerland, 2003.
Communications Egli, R.,
Hirt, A. M., Sturm, M.,
Friedl, G., The effect of
eutrophication on the magnetic properties of lacustrine sediments from Baldeggersee (Switzerland), European Geophysical Society (EGS), Nice 2000. Session SE 29. Spassov, S., Egli, R., Heller, F., A new method for IRM analysis, MAG-NET (TMR-network) workshop, Zürich 2000. Egli, R., Lowrie, W., Hirt, A. M., The anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) of fine magnetic particles, European Geophysical Society (EGS), Nice 2001. Session SE 14. Lanci, L., Egli, R., Hirt, A. M., Interpretation of magnetic parameters as indicators of environmental change: examples from Swiss lakes, European Geophysical Society (EGS), Nice 2001. Session SE 14. R. Egli and S. Spassov, A novel method for the identification and characterisation of magnetic sources in sediments, EAE03-J-04970, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 06. - 11. April 2003. Session MG10. Egli, R., The analysis of magnetization curves with skewed generalized Gaussian functions (SGG), EAE03-A-050050, EGS-AGU- EUG joint assembly, Nice, 2003. Session MG11. Spassov, S., R. Egli, F. Heller and D. K. Nourgaliev, Discrimination of atmospheric particulate matter sources with magnetic methods, EAE03-J-00846, EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly, Nice 2003. Session MG10. Egli, R., Magnetism in Nature, Ad-hoc Seminar, gehalten am Departement für Chemie und Biochemie der Universität Bern. R. Egli, S. Spassov and F. Heller, Coercivity distribution of soft-magnetic components and their occurrence in sediments and sedimentary rocks, AGU fall meeting, 8 - 12 December 2003 San Francisco, CA. GP41B-0049 (poster presentation). S. Spassov, R. Egli and F. Heller, Magnetic quantification of road traffic pollution in atmospheric particulate matter: a new approach, AGU fall meeting, 8 - 12 December 2003 San Francisco, CA. GP41B-0048 (poster presentation). R. Egli, S. Spassov, Baster, I., Sturm, M., Heller, F., Kondopoulou, D., Occurrence and magnetic properties of magnetosomes in lake sediments and implications for environmental magnetism, EGU04-A-02206, EGU 1st General Assembly, Nice, France, 25-30 April 2004 (oral presentation). Spassov, S., Egli, R., Zananiri, I., De Marco, E., Lüscher, P., Kretzschmar, R., A detailed chemical and rock magnetic investigation of a soil profile in Switzerland, EGU04-A-06299, EGU 1st General Assembly, Nice, France, 25-30 April 2004 (oral presentation). Tesauro, M., Hollenstein, Ch., Egli, R., Geiger, A., Kahle, H.-G., CGPS deformation field in central Europe: analysis and model, EGU04-A-01842, EGU 1st General Assembly, Nice, France, 25-30 April 2004 (oral presentation). Egli, R., Geiger, A., Morra, G., Wiget, A., Schlatter, A. and H.-G. Kahle, A kinematic model of Switzerland and its relation with Alpine orogenesis and recent seismicity (solicited), EGU04-A-02053, EGU 1st General Assembly, Nice, France, 25-30 April 2004 (poster presentation). invited talks Egli, R.,
The analysis of
demagnetization curves with skewed
generalized functions (SGG): a novel method for the identification of magnetic sources in sediments, IUGG Meeting, Sapporo 2003. Session GAI.03. Spassov,
S., Hus, J., Egli, R., Heller,
F. and M.E. Evans, The concept of
unmixing - a key for interpreting environmental magnetic signals, GP34A-01 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 13-17 December 2004. |
updated: 10.02.2005, admin@spassov.ch |